Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Shape Up Or Ship Out

Yeah little buddy I feel the same way about you!

The other day I got a call from my Mom inviting me to go with her to Weight Watchers, when she offered to pay for everything all doubt vanished from my mind. I went. You know what, this is doable! I love a diet that has cheating programed in! I'm not going to diet everyone to death with hourly updates on what I'm eating, however, I thought it may be fun to update everyone once a week how I doing.

Its noon on my first day and I have eaten twice and only have used up 4 points out of the like 35 I'm allowed, gotta make this short cause I got a lot of eating to do! Ha!

I plan on kicking my Mom's ass, she made a comment last night that she could loss more weight than me. Its time to drop it like it hot!

The sweet thing is that my child, when he found out what I was doing, said "Why do you want to loose weight? Your perfect the way you are!" *I raised him right*....Lets get one thing clear, this is a "make yourself healthier" choice. I like the fact that I'm a thick girl, gives me character. I just have a little too much character right now, gotta tone it down a little!

If anyone wants to join me...we could do an email support group! That would rock, and we could cyber high-five each other.


Henry said...

This is goint to be such fun! I want to play, too! How many points do I get?