Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Its 1am and I can't make myself go to bed...

Man, I'm really tired but I can't seem to make that decision to go on and go to bed! Today was a good day, not much going on at work so I left an hour early. Hung out with Chas tonight (she is a member of the BFF club). She came over and I cooked for us and we chick flicked it. Then we sat around laughing and being ridiculous. I'm gonna miss her one day.

I noticed an insane amount of dragonflies swarming about, not complaining, they are not only beautiful but the eat these god awful mosquitos! I haven't seen them out in such large numbers in a long time.
I am sick of this heat. I can not stand to be hot...somebody fan me damn it!!!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Hot Date Night

After promising each other for like a month that we would soon go out for a girls night out, Mary (one of the in-girls of my inner circle of BFFs) and I finally did the deed. NO!! Get your head out of the gutter! We finally got our chance to go out for a swanky dinner at this new restaurant here in town by the name Rust. And I have to say I was impressed with the atmosphere of this place. I never thought anyone could have beat the feel of the last cool spot in town (The Delta Eye) which was located in the same spot. Sitting there reminded me of our Wednesday night sushi days. Back then the place was a pallet of funky colors and folk art, very hip. Now after renovation the space is transformed into a chic, cozy date place....very romantic atmosphere! I had a blast pretending to be on a date! Mary kept promising to put
out, but that was just the booze talking! BAH!!! After we had a drink Mary was so excited about out "adult" time that she double knuckle bumped stuff!
You see, Mary and I have a history when it comes to girl's night out...back in the day (when she was still single) we use to cause havoc when we were out on the "prowl" together. The last time being very memorable! we both wound up shit-faced and I remember sitting in a guys lap explaining my contraceptives to him...while she was beating guys up in her "I'm drunk and I think guys like playing rough" mode....I think people thanked her sister for showing up to take her home. She can be a hand full! I just wound up having a friend drive me and my car home, I think that was the sickest I ever felt! Good times for real!
I miss those old days when I actually had single everyone is all married and stuff, not as cool as it use to be! On another note I think I am going to smear Vaseline on the lenses of my camera to get the effect like in the pic above, it gives me a flawless look that I can get use to!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Bad Dream and Blog Writer's Block

Sorry I haven't blogged in a hot minute. I guess I suffer from writer's block or a severe case of nothing much going on!

Last night was the first night in a long time that I woke up with anxiety from a bad dream. I had a dream that my brother was killed in a car wreck. This really freaked me out and has left me a nervous wreck all day. I researched dream symbolism and here is what I found out.


To dream about the death of a loved one, suggests that you are lacking a certain aspect or quality that the loved one embodies. Ask yourself what makes this person special or what do you like about him. It is that very quality that you are lacking in your own relationship or circumstances. Alternatively, it indicates that whatever that person represents has no part in your own life.

This is very interesting. It is amazing how much you can learn about yourself by paying attention to whats going on with your subconscious. It has inspired me to keep a dream journal of sorts. If I find anything interesting I shall post it!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Got my Check!!!!

I got my stimulus check today...woohoo! I thought it would never get here. I got it to the bank in time to save myself a bounced check fee and now I have a few dollars for my up coming trip to "Hot-Lanta". I am going to Market for the shop I work for, thats always fun but hard work!
I like going because I can buy really cool stuff for gifts for my friends. Gotta stock up on Christmas gifts...and my friend Kandi's birthday! Since my friends are having good luck with giveaways I am entering a few myself...Also I plan on getting something really cool at Market for a giveaway of my own!!! Details coming soon!
I hope I win this one....Its the most adorable little dress! Maybe for my Niece or God-Daughter...*fingers crossed*

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Band from babying my baby

Well, I just got informed by my 10 year old that I need to stop babying him. Definitely sounds like his "father" was drilling this into his head. I don't feel like I really baby him, I feel like I can actually be a little tough on him at times. I asked him for an example of how I "baby" him. He could only come up with how I refer to him as "my little boy" or I'll say "Its o.k. baby", and I quickly told him that he will always be my baby even when he is like 90. I feel as a parent I am responsible for his mental, physical and spiritual well being. How I show that is by showing him I am on his side and I try to reassure him that I love him no matter what. I have always been extra careful with him because he is a sensitive child (he never was the "rough-n-tumble" type).
I am not so sure as to how to let him grow up. I admit that. I am in denial about the fact that puberty is right around the bend (I seriously freak out when anyone mentions it). Its hard for me because I don't have a grown male living with me to help out. I had to teach this kid how to stand up and pee, I sure hope that having his mom teach him how to shake after peeing doesn't cause him to have to spend much time on the "couch" later on in life!
Well I do the best I can for him! That's what I keep in mind and hope I don't traumatize him during his childhood!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Only the best birthday party EVER!!!

I have always had all kinds crazy-fun ideas for birthday parties...all for little girls of corse...and I never got to do any of them because I was blessed with a boy instead. That is until today! Well if I cant use my ideas on my on child I'll just steal someone else's child and party it up Amber-style!

My boss' little girl is turning 12 and she loves flowers and hanging out with us at the shop. So I suggested that she have her birthday party at the shop and I would show her and her friends how to make a cute little arrangement. So if you will be patient with me I will attempt to upload some pics from the party.....

Here is a pic of the cute little arrangements that the girls did! They turned out to be a really talented group of girls!

Here is a pic of the really cute cake!!! It was a really yummy cake too!

This is a group photo of the girls and me! They were excited and had a good time!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

So I broke down and got my very own blog spot!

So this is my first blog! I'm sure things will be a bit more interesting in the future....I am going to try to blog once a day....lots of crazy things happen to and around me so I promise you will to hear of them. I am the type of girl who wears her pants backwards (and not intentionally) expect loads of fun stuff like that in this blog, but not tonight sorry!

Just a few facts about myself...I'm a single mom to a beautiful 10 year old boy named Chris....I am a floral designer in a small shop and that's lots of fun and tends to be drama ridden! I also suffer from SSD (Spontaneous Singing Disorder) which means I can burst out in song at any given moment...even commercial jingles aren't safe from me! It's a serious condition really...I absolutely have to sing along with whatever is playing, this gets to be awkward when there are songs out there such as "I kissed a girl and I liked it"...makes me look like I am..well you know....but honestly its because I can't help but to sing along with songs!!!

Well thats all for now! It grows late and I have to work in the morning!!!