Wednesday, July 2, 2008

So I broke down and got my very own blog spot!

So this is my first blog! I'm sure things will be a bit more interesting in the future....I am going to try to blog once a day....lots of crazy things happen to and around me so I promise you will to hear of them. I am the type of girl who wears her pants backwards (and not intentionally) expect loads of fun stuff like that in this blog, but not tonight sorry!

Just a few facts about myself...I'm a single mom to a beautiful 10 year old boy named Chris....I am a floral designer in a small shop and that's lots of fun and tends to be drama ridden! I also suffer from SSD (Spontaneous Singing Disorder) which means I can burst out in song at any given moment...even commercial jingles aren't safe from me! It's a serious condition really...I absolutely have to sing along with whatever is playing, this gets to be awkward when there are songs out there such as "I kissed a girl and I liked it"...makes me look like I am..well you know....but honestly its because I can't help but to sing along with songs!!!

Well thats all for now! It grows late and I have to work in the morning!!!