Sunday, July 6, 2008

Band from babying my baby

Well, I just got informed by my 10 year old that I need to stop babying him. Definitely sounds like his "father" was drilling this into his head. I don't feel like I really baby him, I feel like I can actually be a little tough on him at times. I asked him for an example of how I "baby" him. He could only come up with how I refer to him as "my little boy" or I'll say "Its o.k. baby", and I quickly told him that he will always be my baby even when he is like 90. I feel as a parent I am responsible for his mental, physical and spiritual well being. How I show that is by showing him I am on his side and I try to reassure him that I love him no matter what. I have always been extra careful with him because he is a sensitive child (he never was the "rough-n-tumble" type).
I am not so sure as to how to let him grow up. I admit that. I am in denial about the fact that puberty is right around the bend (I seriously freak out when anyone mentions it). Its hard for me because I don't have a grown male living with me to help out. I had to teach this kid how to stand up and pee, I sure hope that having his mom teach him how to shake after peeing doesn't cause him to have to spend much time on the "couch" later on in life!
Well I do the best I can for him! That's what I keep in mind and hope I don't traumatize him during his childhood!


Mistress Meeyee said...

He is going to be traumatized no matter what you do,all people are!I don't think you baby him and I know his dad told him that you did but if he feels like he needs to be a big boy than maybe you could give him some responsibilities.I think he needs that,it would be good for him.